Students at 51 schools throughout the province will have new playgrounds when they return to school in September as part of a new playground fund that will take fundraising pressure off of parents.This funding is part of a new, ongoing Playground Equipment Program that will provide up to $5 million each year to school districts to purchase new or replacement playgrounds. This year, 26 schools are receiving $90,000 for a standard playground and 25 schools are receiving $105,000 for a universally-accessible playground. Learn more:
卑诗省长贺谨周二宣布拨款500万,<wbr />在全省51所学校兴建新游乐场,减轻家长会的财务负担。贺谨在记者会上说:“<wbr />无论家长会的父母可以筹款多少钱,所有学生都应该获得优质、<wbr />安全和便利的游乐场。这就是为什么我们要通过投资500万元,<wbr />来减轻父母的负担,并且在最需要的地方建造游乐场。”他指,今年本省有26所学校获得9万元兴建标准游乐场,<wbr />25所学校获得10.5万元建通用游乐场。贺谨说,<wbr />许多学校将在夏天过后,在今年9月拥有新游乐场。省府资助标准是,优先考虑目前没有操场的学校,<wbr />然后是现有游乐场老化的学校。<wbr />今年没有获得资助的地区如果提出申请,将在明年获得资助。V06