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gyz_u_mb  曼省名人  发表于 2006-11-12 22:09:45 | 显示全部楼层
The flight component:
Includes all air work (take-offs and landings, cross-country navigation trips, instrument flying and pre-flight tests).  Transport Canada requires 17 hours of dual instruction, including 3 hours of cross-country and 5 hours of instrument time.  The solo portion is 12 hours of which 5 must be cross country experience and include a 150 nautical mile cross country

In order to reach the minimum 45-hour requirement our approximate breakdown of training time is as follows:

30 hours dual instruction (with an instructor). The rate for dual instruction is $164.00/hr. This includes the aircraft rental ($111.00/hr.), insurance and fuel surcharges ($9.00/hr.), and the instructor fee ($44.00/hr.).

15 hours of solo practice which will include five hours of cross-country flying. The rental rate for solo flying is $120.00 /hr. (based on the above rates less the instructor charges).

Ground school: a 40-hour course is also required. It will provide you with valuable knowledge on all of the aviation subjects, which you will be tested on. Notes should be taken and you should be prepared to spend approximately 60 hours of self-study in addition to the 40 hours stated above. It will also provide you the opportunity to interact with fellow students and share your experiences. The cost, $250.00, is included in the above price.  Topics covered include:

Canadian Aviation Regulations, Aerodynamics & Theory of Flight, Meteorology, Airframes, Engines and Systems, Flight Instruments, Radio and Electronic Theory, Navigation, Flight Operations, Licensing Requirements and Human Factors (including pilot decision making)

Books and navigational equipment required for your ground school kit cost $235.00.

We would like to stress that the total price is based upon the minimum requirements set forth by Transport Canada.  Actual flight times (and therefore costs) may be higher than stated based on the student\'s ability and aptitude. P.S.T. and/or G.S.T. are extra. Prices are subject to change without notice.

Additional requirements and costs are as follows:

Medical Examination - The cost for this examination is approximately $70.00.

There is a written examination fee of $105.00 and a flight test fee of $200.00. Both fees are paid to Transport Canada or a designated examiner. There is a Transport Canada licensing fee of $55.00

[ 本帖最后由 gyz_u_mb 于 11-12 23:53 编辑 ]

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gyz_u_mb  曼省名人  发表于 2006-11-12 22:33:25 | 显示全部楼层
个人觉得单引擎(SINGLE ENGINE)的小飞机(例:CESSENA)操作起来不见得比汽车复杂多少(起飞和着陆除外),双引擎(TWIN ENGINE OR DUEL ENGINE)或多引擎(MULTI-ENGINE)飞机就复杂的多了,光是仪表板就看得我眼花缭乱,更别说操作了(我现在只能操作单引擎的飞机)。不过和操作相比更困难的是地面学校(GROUND SCHOOL)和地面考试(笔试,GROUND TEST),地面学校为40小时学习,GROUND TEST我FAIL了两次,第三次才通过(而且还是靠运气通过的),主要就是WEATHER CHART看不懂,还有气流对操作影响部分分析(稍微算差一个步骤就会得出和结果正好相反的答案,不过若是算差两个步骤的话有可能会弄出“错+错=正”的正确答案)。所以说多数学员在45小时的飞行过程中不会有困难(飞行时间够了就可以准备地面考试了),但是地面学校就困难多了。他们建议在40个小时的学校学习外另加60个小时的自学(这还是对英语为母语的人所指,对咱们这些英语为非母语的人需要更多时间去准备。原文是:Ground school: a 40-hour course is also required. It will provide you with valuable knowledge on all of the aviation subjects, which you will be tested on. Notes should be taken and you should be prepared to spend approximately 60 hours of self-study in addition to the 40 hours stated above. It will also provide you the opportunity to interact with fellow students and share your experiences. )

所以我个人的观点是考取飞行执照的难点是笔试(GROUND TEST)而不是飞行操作(因为在45个小时的飞行过程中99%以上的人都可以熟练的操作了)

附带几张单引擎飞机的仪表板拍照(CESSENA 370)很容易弄懂得(不象大型飞机那眼花缭乱的仪表板)

[ 本帖最后由 gyz_u_mb 于 11-12 21:39 编辑 ]

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bugbug  贵宾  发表于 2006-11-12 22:54:23 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 gyz_u_mb 于 11-12 18:05 发表


前有文叔,后有十三 两者相较,该取其谁 难啊难啊难啊~~~~ buggy的苦恼

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gyz_u_mb  曼省名人  发表于 2006-11-12 23:42:08 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 gyz_u_mb 于 11-12 23:04 编辑 ]

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fengraul  曼省名人  发表于 2006-11-12 23:48:18 | 显示全部楼层

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bugbug  贵宾  发表于 2006-11-13 00:11:34 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 gyz_u_mb 于 11-12 22:42 发表

前有文叔,后有十三 两者相较,该取其谁 难啊难啊难啊~~~~ buggy的苦恼

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gyz_u_mb  曼省名人  发表于 2006-11-13 00:16:49 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 fengraul 于 11-12 22:48 发表

哈哈,这么担心也是不无道理的(我之前也是,不好意思的说 ),不过这些数据或许可以让朋友们稍微放心一下 :\"世界上每天有8万多次民航航班,一年就是3000万次航班,每年民航空难最多不过十起(多数情况下每年民航空难为3-4起,去年算是特例,多的反常,有7起空难),那么也就是说对于一个飞行员来说每年他的死亡几率不到300万分之一.
此外据统计学表明:\"假如你每天任意乘坐一个航班,天天如此,按目前的故障率要2.6万年以后你才会遇到第一次空难。\" (消息出处在下边链接),换句话说,飞机是世界上最安全的交通工具(不然的话我也不会吃了\"豹子胆\"去学这个). 外界普遍认为飞机危险的原因主要是空难次数实在是太少了,只要发生一起就必定是接下来几天内头条新闻(物以稀为贵用在新闻上也同样适用), 所以给人一种飞机不安全的感觉.反倒是因车祸或是其他意外事件而遇难的事件实在是举不胜举,所以新闻媒体反而不去报道.
上述飞行安全统计数据出处:   http://news.sohu.com/20050724/n226427027.shtml    搜狐提供.

[ 本帖最后由 gyz_u_mb 于 11-12 23:34 编辑 ]

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gyz_u_mb  曼省名人  发表于 2006-11-13 00:18:56 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 bugbug 于 11-12 23:11 发表


呵呵,不好意思的说.可以悄悄告诉我答案么? 印象当中应该没别人这么称呼我了.呵呵,还是我上了年纪了,记性不好了  ,惭愧惭愧.

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babaozhou  曼省名人  发表于 2006-11-13 00:31:21 | 显示全部楼层
楼主好厉害!!! 要是能有机会做上楼主开的飞机就好了.

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bugbug  贵宾  发表于 2006-11-13 00:33:20 | 显示全部楼层
前有文叔,后有十三 两者相较,该取其谁 难啊难啊难啊~~~~ buggy的苦恼

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