关注美中贸易纠纷的北京独立学者查建国对本台表示,在“二十国集团”峰会期间,中美双方只能达成“休战”协议,包括继续谈判及暂缓加征中国货品的关税: #Breaking: Xi Jinping and Shinzo Abe agree to build China-Japanrelations in accordance with needs of new era #Xiplomacypic.twitter.com/3ZYG3ucmnB
― China Xinhua News (@XHNews) June 27, 2019</blockquote>
China"s Xi Jinping to present PresidentTrump with a set of terms for settling the trade fight, includinglifting the ban on U.S. sales to Huawei https://t.co/AAiiL3kXX8
― The Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) June 27, 2019</blockquote>