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克雷格接新剧弃007 下一任邦德会是谁?

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Daniel Craig has fuelled speculation he could quit James Bond -after signing up to a new TVrole.丹尼尔?克雷格近日签约加盟新剧,这助长了此前对他弃演詹姆斯?邦德的猜测。

The 47-year-old star , who has played 007 in four movies since2006, has agreed to appear in upcoming US drama series Purity,according toreports.据报道,这位自2006年起出演了四部007系列电影的47岁影星已同意加盟新美剧《普瑞蒂》。

The move is seen as latest indication that Craig is set to hang uphis tuxedo, after recently claiming he wanted to walk away from therole that turned him into a globalstar.此举似乎进一步昭示了克雷格即将收起他的无尾礼服。就在不久前,克雷格曾声称自己想弃演这个让他红遍全球的角色。

In October, he said he’d rather “slash his wrists” than appear asBond again any time soon.去年十月时,他宣称自己宁可“割腕”也不想在近期扮演邦德这个角色了。

However, he is still said to be contracted for one more film afteragreeing a £31m two-picture deal following the success of 2012 hitSkyfall.不过,依照合同他还有一部007电影要拍,据称在2012年的电影《大破天幕杀机》大获成功后,克雷格以3100英镑的片酬接下了两部007电影。

His last outing as the super-smooth spy came in Spectre, which wasreleased last year and immediately broke box officerecords.他最近一次饰演这名老道的特工是在《幽灵党》中。影片于去年上映后,很快就打破了票房纪录。

?A industry insider said: “Daniel’s commitment to this projectreally makes his return as James Bond a seriousdoubt.一位业内人士评论说:“此次丹尼尔出演美剧的决定,意味着他继续出演詹姆斯?邦德一角的可能性有所动摇。

“It is likely that the show may be still filming at Christmas. MGMhad hoped to get the next Bond film on screen in 2017 with Danielat thehelm.“《普瑞蒂》的拍摄很可能会持续到今年圣诞节。米高梅公司之前希望下一部007电影能在2017年上映,丹尼尔能在这部电影中继续扮演邦德。

“Daniel has left the year free so far to make Purity work, so outof the two productions it is clear that is where his head isat.”“到目前为止,丹尼尔已经把今年的时间留出来拍摄《普瑞蒂》,因此他将重点放在了哪部作品上显而易见。”

Craig made his first appearance as the super spy in Casino Royalein 2006.克雷格第一次出演詹姆斯?邦德这一超级特工角色是在2006年上映的《大战皇家赌场》中。

He has since become the highest-paid Bond actor ever, raking in$10.7m for 2012’sSkyfall.从那以后,他就成为了史上片酬最高的邦德演员,仅2012年上映的《大破天幕杀机》这一部就获得1070万美元的收入。

However, when asked if he would be appearing in anotherinstallment, he said: "Now? I’d rather … slash mywrists."然而,当被问及是否会出演下一部007电影时,他回答说:“现在吗?那我还不如去……割腕。”

He added: “I don’t know what the next step is. I’ve noidea.他补充道:“我不知道我接下来要做什么,都还没想好呢。”

"If I did another Bond movie, it would only be for themoney.”“如果我再接拍下一部邦德电影,那肯定只是为了赚钱。”

Betting is already underway on which actor will replaceCraig.人们已经开始猜测谁会顶替克雷格成为下一任邦德。

Luther star Idris Elba has been a firm fan favorite, as well assparking heated debate about whether there could ever be a blackJamesBond.曾出演《路德》的伊德瑞斯?艾尔巴一直是粉丝们心中最理想的邦德人选,但就邦德是否可以是位黑人这一问题,人们也掀起了不小的争论。

In June, bookies reported heavy betting on Wolf Hall and Homelandstar Damian Lewis as the next007.去年六月时,赌博公司报告称许多人赌戴米恩?路易斯会成为下一任邦德。路易斯曾出演过《狼厅》和《国土安全》。

If chosen, he would be the first red-haired actor to play the spyrole.如果被选中,路易斯将成为007系列的第一位红发邦德。

Others considered possible replacements for Craig include RichardMadden, Tom Hiddleston, Henry Cavill, Michael Fassbender and TomHardy.可能替代克雷格的其他人选还有:理查德?麦登、汤姆?希德勒斯顿、亨利?卡维尔、迈克尔?法斯宾德以及汤姆?哈迪。



呼声最高的邦德人选 谁更接近你心中的邦德?

伊德瑞斯?艾尔巴(Idris Elba)

戴米恩?路易斯(Damian Lewis)

汤姆?希德勒斯顿(Tom Hiddleston)

亨利?卡维尔(Henry Cavill)

迈克尔?法斯宾德(Michael Fassbender)

汤姆?哈迪(Tom Hardy)
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