I heard this one being used at the asper orientation speech today... guess all that boring talk wasn\'t a complete waste ^^
First, to start off, this phrase is used when plans or dreams... something that was desired is unable to be fulfilled .. ie... went down the tubes : tubes in this case can be used interchangeably with drain....it applies to the drainage tubes... it is used this way because usually things cannot be retrieved after they have fallen into the drainage tubes. \"In a hurry\" just adds on to the phrase by injecting a sense of urgency into it.
For example \"When I tried those delicious mini doughnuts, my dieting plans just went down the drain.\"
This sentence means that ... my diet is going to fail because i just got addicted to those mini doughnuts.
This phrase can also be applied to studying....
\"When I saw those hot girls at the club, my plans of studying for the final exam just went down the tubes, in a hurry.\" ... I\'m sure lots of guys out there are nodding their heads in agreement here... saying to themselves....so true ... ^^
::::::::::::FREEZING MY ASS OFF::::::::::::::::::::
as you can see, the word \" ass \" is being used here ... and it\'s not the \"donkey\" meaning... it refers to someone\'s butt... therefore, this phrase cannot be used in formal circumstances. However, when you are among friends, and you want to describe how cold you are... the phrase can be utilized to show them your displeasure of the coldness that you have exprienced... like what i have gone through today. I wore a tanktop... a decent pair of pants without any holes... and a tweed jacket... and i have been almost driven to the doors at work.... i walked outside for only 1 minute.....i\'m still cold....my hands feel frozen... if i am talking with my friends right now, which i am ... i\'d say... omg, i was freezing my ass off out there...it\'s so damn cold!!
everyone... wear lots today...although it\'s going to warm up...the high\'s a measly 15C ... don\'t get sick ^^
Haha, I shouldn\'t be lazy around and should check this post frequently. Those are great stuff.
btw. Kanina, just wonder why you went for asper orientation speech, are you a student of management?