<blockquote class="twitter-tweet tw-align-center" data-lang="en">
The trade war is ending soon and Huawei"sMeng Wanzhou will be released in April or May, a think tank advisorto the Chinese govt predicts to @scmp,attributing his belief to the "countermeasures" China took bydetaining Kovrig and Spavor https://t.co/s2ikQqzBpk
― Gerry Shih (@gerryshih) February 21, 2019</blockquote>
报道指特朗普对于封锁5G建设中「更先进的科技」一语,似乎与华为公司董事长任正非的公开表态遥相呼应,CNBC近日专访任正非,任正非说:「首先,我反对美国所作所为,这种被政治目的趋势的行动是不可接受。」他继续说:「世界不能没有我们(华为),因为我们更先进(theworld cannot leave us because we are moreadvanced),即使他们(美国)一时劝服更多国家不要用我们的产品,我们总可以缩减规模,度过眵光养晦的时日。」