<blockquote class="twitter-tweet tw-align-center" data-lang="en"> @nytimes The“monkey” #WilliamSinger, the founder of a college preparatory businesscalled the Edge College & Career Network, also known as TheKey. who created a side door to college admissions. He and all thepeople in this fraud should be procecuted to the fullest. pic.twitter.com/bplPFYsrvb
― Peter Eckle (@ecklep) March 13, 2019</blockquote>
而在这场震动美国高校的骗局“震中”,大部分指控全部围绕着一位名为威廉?辛格的CEO和他名不经传的公司The Key(又名EdgeCollege & CareerNetwork)展开。自称“大师级入学导师”的威廉?辛格,正是这起涉猎广泛的金融犯罪和欺诈案件的核心人物。辛格和他的公司TheKey被指控涉嫌帮助富有家庭的学生在ACT或SAT考试中作弊,以取得高分。除此外,他还被控贿赂大学教练和考试官员,伪造学生入学档案等。